MH/Korning/L-test/BH test

Total numbers of dogs

72 st (37+35)

Out of 49 dogs able to do the small mentally test (MH) so far 41 have started.
That is 83,67 %. And of the started once 97,56 % got known mentally status!

Exports that can not do MH in Sweden because of the distance (32%).

Total 23 and among them 19 out of Nordic
Dogs under 1 year
(To small to do description or test)
0 st
Dogs over 1 year (exports out) 49 st
MUH/MH tested 41 st
Gunfire test value number 1 34 st
Gunfire test value number 2 2 st
Gunfire test value number 3 1 st
Gunfire test value number 4 1 st

Gunfire test value number 5


Relinquish gunfire


Owner stops the test

Describer stops the test 1 st 2 st

Known mental status

40/41 st
Swedish Character test 3/3 Approved No fear of gunfire
Finnish mentally-test 6/6 Approved No fear of gunfire
German Character test 2/2 Approved No fear of gunfire
Norwegian Character test 1/1 Approved No fear of gunfire
French Character test 1/1 Approved.
Title: s.r
No fear of gunfire
Done big mentally-test MT (but not the exterior part) 2/2 Approved No fear of gunfire
BH Test

Vajert Dymas

Vajert Dimma Approved

Vajert Opal

(the mentally-test at the Police force)
Tested and approved 3/3 st
(Big mentally-test title)

Vajert Qinza

Vajert Lizzy

Vajert Izor
Vajert Xita
Vajert Rex
Vajert Alpha

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updated 2016. © Kennel Vajert