More photos of the litter to enjoy!
This page will be updated every week. The newest photos at the top =)

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Hindra and Harraz Hilex found an apple
Harraz running away from Hexa ... and here comes Himbi!!!
Hexa 9w Hazta and Hindra jumping off
All getting up... Himbi 9w
Hindra is trying out the hiding place Get lost Hilex!.. this is my place..
Himbi 9w How on earth is he doing it?
Hilex 9w Are you all in here? Hoho...
Hindra 9 w Hazta 9 w
Hexa jumps up Harraz and Hexa... look a like... ;)
Now the tone is serious...
Hilex finds it best to run away from the battlefield...
(Notice the "toucan comb") Hazta is mad. Hexa is given her calm down signals ... wise!
Hilex is interested... girl fight, girl fight... Hexa answer back and the tone is getting harder...
Hey! why did you do that for? I lost the pear... picking a quarrel? I will get you for that....
Hazta have found a gray-pear and Hexa takes up the hunt....... Getting you...
Harraz have found a BIG stick... Hindra want the BIG stick.. can not hide it in the grass from her.... no....

Hmmm... can you crawl in there? Harraz squeeze himself in. Hallo!!!
Hindra wonder if anyone is in there?  Yes! I am here!!!
Harraz first and Hilex after Now it is your turn to have it....
Harraz "talks" to Cassie Running!
H-litter in the pool The litter follows Cassie
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
 9 weeks old!
9 weeks old!
H-litter 9 weeks H-litter 9 weeks!
This was fun to discover. Xtra and Hindra have the same way to sleep! Xtra is the half sister of Hindra´s great great grandmother......
Something that goes into the lines?..... lol....
Hazta is being attacked by Heidi Himbi gives back towards Hexa
Harraz cozying with Jey Hexa runs into Himbi
Hazta just love thug and play Heidi
Hilex "mangling" Heidi Himbi loves speed!!!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
8 weeks old!
H-litter 8 weeks old!
Hexa Heidi playing in the pool
Hexa and Harraz Sleeping time
Hilex thugs Bo-peep Hazta
Hilex fishing Hexa tasting the pool
Harraz thugs Heidi gives Himbi a kiss....
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
7 weeks old!
H-litter 7 weeks old!
Hilex with his favourite-boat Hexa running with Cassie
Hindra whom just might grow into the necklace ;) Himbi is leaving the  pool
More fighting spirit, but not total ok...if we ask Cassie... H-litter bathing
Hilex Heidi
Hexa fishing boots Hexa attacks Hindra
Hazta H-litter meeting O´ Boy
Harraz is getting of with the rag Harraz (left) and Hilex (right)
More thug...... Hindra and Hilex in thug and play
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
6 weeks old!
H-litter 6 weeks old!
Hexa attacks Heidi Hexa is drinking water
Hilex Hindra bites Hilex
Hazta Harraz in lavender
Heidi trying the landing-net Hindra attacks Hexa
Hazta ties the shoe-lace! Hexa
Hindra biting Hazta in her tail! Heidi & Hazta
OS is going on and Stephanie has been inspired. Here she is standing with her favorite puppy, Himbi, on the 1st place because they won, and she is actually singing the Swedish national anthem!
Blue male - Hilex
5 weeks old
Blue male - Hilex
5 weeks old
Brown male - Harraz
5 weeks old
Brown male - Harraz
5 weeks old
Beige female - Hindra
5 weeks old
Beige female - Hindra
5 weeks old
Orange female - Hazta
5 weeks old
Orange female - Hazta
5 weeks old
Yellow female - Himbi
5 weeks old
Yellow female - Himbi
5 weeks old
Red female - Hexa
5 weeks old
Red female - Hexa
 5 weeks old
Olive female - Heidi
 5 weeks old
Puppies 5 weeks old :)
Heidi Himbi
Not as planed.... Hilex
Hazta Harraz
Hindra Heidi busar....
Heidi and Hexa Hexa
WOW! Thug and play.... Harraz in dream sleep.... zzzzzz
Heidi is sleeping like a real Laekenois :) Visitor taste good
Triple fight! Himbi attacking Hindra!
The whole litter in the grass
Hilex attacking Hazta Himbi taken it easy
Hazta is fighting with the "tail".... Heidi with a sock
Shall we play? Harraz attacking....
A lot of play it is...... Exciting "tail"....
Sleeping time for the pack The puppies are meeting strangers for the first time and took it with calm ;)
Hilex & Harraz 4w Stephanie with her favorite - Himbi
Blue male - Hilex
4 weeks old
Brown male - Harraz
4 weeks old
Orange female - Hazta
4 weeks old
Beige female - Hindra
4 weeks old
Red female - Hexa
4 weeks old
Yellow female - Himbi
4 weeks old
Heidi 4 weeks old
Olive female - Heidi
 4 weeks old
Puppies now 4 weeks :)
Mother and puppies outside Exciting to be out for the first time and a little bit scary too....
Hindra in the green grass. Heidi is tasting boots...
Hazta has just taken a footbath... Hindra is peaking out.....
Hilex is playing with the water bowl Harraz is playing with a sock
This is nice if you ask Himbi! Water is also good ;)
Hexa is trying the corngruel :) Some are more bathing than eating!
So nice with food.... foodspot...
Washing up And there goes Hindra around the corner ...
Blue male - Hilex
3 weeks old
Brown male - Harraz
3 weeks old
Orange female - Hazta
3 weeks old
Beige female - Hindra
3 weeks old
Red female - Hexa
3 weeks old
Yellow female - Himbi
3 weeks old
Oliv female - Heidi
3 weeks old
3 weeks old ;)
Beige is listening Orange listen
Red is sleeping in Stephanies lap Trippelfight
Beige Cassie is giving crossed meat -  nice!
Yellow fights with Harraz Orange fights with Harraz
Yellow is giving Harraz a hug Beigetaisting thum
Petting time Beige och gul busar
också ett sätt att sova.... Beige ful of it!
Sleeping tight jummy
Blue male - Hilex
2 weeks old
Brown male - Harraz
2 weeks old
Orange female
2 weeks old
Beige female
2 weeks old
Red female
2 weeks old
Yellow female
2 weeks old
One name is changed from Hinza to Hexa ;)
Oliv female
2 weeks old
2 weeks old ;)
Blue male 1 week
Brown male 1 week
Orange female 1 week
Beige female 1 week
Red female 1 week
Yellow female 1 week
Oliv female 1 week

Brizna with the litter ;)
Blue male
1 week old
Brown male
1 week old
Orange female
1 week old
Beige female
1 week old
Red female
1 week old
Yellow female
1 week old
Oliv female
1 week old
1 week old :)
Orange female 2 days old Beige female 2 days old
1 day old 1 day old
Male 1 Blue ribbon Male 2 Brown ribbon
Female 1 Orange ribbon Female 2 Beige ribbon
Female 3 Red ribbon Female 4 Yellow ribbon
Female 5 Olive ribbon 120625 New born ;)

  © Kennel Vajert