1a advent! The time is running so fast I can not believe
it! Today the family have baked gingerbread for this evening when we will have
coffee, glögg (a mulled and spiced wine) beside the fireplace. Our two years old
girl, Stephanie, had her own version of doing gingerbread - instead of roll out
the dough and stamp out the figures she simply pushed in the dough into the
forms and cut the away what was left outside.......hm well... that is one way of
doing it!
it is also Even´s birthday. He become tree years of age today our "little" guy
and I have asked him if that means he will finally grow up so we can do some
serious obedient training - but he just kind of shake his head - I am guessing
that means: NO WAY - I am at my best sleeping at the sofa, playing with the
kids in their sandbox or flirting with females! Sough .... and he is suppose
to be a working dog?! no - not much he is - no! Well I have seen him done both
tracking and obedient - so I know he can do it and very good as well.... if he
feels like it - that is. At least he has his great mentally and during next year
he will go into breeding - Did you hear that Even?!!!
2008-11-28 Sadly all snow is already gone here =(
Well well, It might just start to snow before Christmas - let us hope for
that to happen.
Carole and Vajert Balto have earned their first title! They have competed in
Rally Obedience and gained RN the 8th of November! So happy for you -
congratulation - not to say very proud! Thank you for the feeling =)
2008-11-24 Today it is just one month left for Christmas eve! The day
the children for sure are longing for because in Sweden that is the day we give
Christmas presents, eat Christmas food (way to much for some of us...) and have
our family traditions. I know that in USA, for example, you celebrate Christmas
the day after and it is more common for you to do it with friends than we do
here. Anyhow - the countdown has started and both Cassandra and Stephanie are
excited over the present "mountain" that is growing here..... =)
The snow started to fall here on Saturday and has not stopped yet! Everything
outside are white and the dogs are just crazy in the snow. The snow do in fact
make it so much brighter and I cross my fingers it will stay to Christmas this
year. The children have been out doing snowmen and ride sleigh for hours - now
their noses and cheeks are red. =)
2008-11-08 After one weeks of training at 25 meter in free-style
(Angelicas new class) she competed today and got new personal record with 335
points ..... you rock girl!
That is not only and increase of distance with med 7 meters, it is also an
65 points up than last time (on 18 meters) and also she is in reach of the
others points in this class and they have trained and competed in it for 3 years
or more! (They have tried out her main class for fun and are not even close to
here score here!) She ended up on 4th place this time! Am I proud or PROUD.......?
Stephanie, I and Even took a long walk at
Did take some photos, off course, but they had been much nicer if the sun had
been shining. Anyhow the walk took much longer time than I first planed and
that's because Stephanie had to examine every little thing she saw. A good thing
if you are 2 of age, but not when it is raw and cold outside and not when having
Even to keep your eyes on the whole time. Yes - he will do something crazy if
you do not!
this week I have tried to work on different suggestion for a new site - Viking
site - they asked me to do some layouts to choose from at their next meeting,
but right now I have none ideas to talk about. Dry out like in Sahara-desert. I
have made two so far ..... nope.... do not feel good on either of them.... sough.....
Anyone with ideas?
2008-11-02 Today, way to early for
my taste, Monica and I put the children and dogs into the car for driving down
to Sävsjö working club for MH (mentally-description) on Brizna and Wynjha
(Monica and Mike´s groenendael female). Is it not the best way to celebrate
Halloween? With real ghost I mean?! hahahaha
When we got to the club Susanne at Ruby River´s had already gone the track
with two males from her M-litter (we did se the last elements that Salute did)
Beside this two Gina - Susannes import from Belgium, Blaise (also from the
M-litter), two Flat Coated Retrivers (?!) entered the track, and, off course,
Brizna and Wynjha.
All the dogs, even the Flats, did great and all with no fear of gunfire!
Laekenois power! well yes..... some groenendael power too off course!
Wynjha did one of the best MH I have seen on groenendael! Congratulations to
both Mike and Monica for two very nice dogs. During the day, beside a lots of
laughs and nice conversations about different mentally of different breeds and
dogs, we had a lovely lunch, thank you Susanne, a very tasty cake to the
coffee and Stephanie got to open her late birthday presents from her Godfather
and Godmother - the top of the day if you ask her ;-)
When we where done at the club we went further south to Olofström, to leave
Angelica have dinner and after a short rest we started the long drive home again.
Back home early next morning - 02.45- proud over the good tracks Brizna and
Wynjha did and total exhausted driving several of hours it was not hard to fell
a sleep I tell you!