Blog during 2010 |
2010-12-31 Yesterday Göte drown Angelica to
her boyfriend to celebrate the New Year and today Jey are going
to friends for the same reason. I am sitting here trying to
update the kennel page and have a bit of panic because something
is terrible wrong. Instead of getting updated the pages become
total white!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING??? The main page, the link page
and other pages are gone!??! I do not believe this. Well, have
to wait for the working days to start again to get all problems
fixed. Sough :( How about this - the rain is
poring down outside - yes truth, the children just got in and
looked like drown cats! Our heating system in the house just
went broken - like this time last year - this time we got woods
home but it will take quite some time to get the water and house
warm again. =(
Now it is time to prepare for New Years dinner and a evening
under warm blankets.
mating between Rex and Brizna is going great. They do really
like each other! At least something to be happy about now in the
end of the year that did not work out the way we hoped for!
2010-12-28 Today I, Jey and Angelica went
to the sellout to find some winter-outfits for the girls. Angelica
found both a warm jacket and trousers but Jey did not find
anything in her taste that also where warm. I also wanted to buy
some nice Santa's for the Christmas table (read Winter land)
next year and it is very cheep now when they are selling out all
Christmas stuff, but I did not find anything I liked. I bought
some small Christmas balls for the tree instead and cozy
blankets. You might have notice that I have had major problem
with my kennel-mail. All mails gets in but I can not send
anything out. Have had correspondence with my internet deliver,
but they can not help out the problem it finely shown they
caused. They have closed a gate because of all spam going that
way BUT forgot to tell their costumers about it....... They did
not tell which one to use instead either. I have now got several
different gate number to try but none is working and now they
tell me they can not salve the problem unless I pay them to do
it!!! grrrrrr.....
2010-12-23 Packed up the car for the trip
to mother where we will spend the Christmas this year. Wishes
you all a Merry Christmas!
2010-12-21 Just arrived home from Olofström with
Angelica. The trip was very scary bitwise because of the icy
roads! If you just take it easy it is ok, but what the
f-k (excuse the language) are some drivers thinking with? Scary
how some are playing with not only their own life but others as
well by the way they are driving..... shivering thinking of it....
As as thought Raika went optimal the 16th and
17th of December. The days I where on my way to
Stockholm and Jeys school for Christmas-calibration and to bring
her home over the holidays. 6 month from now she will start her
heat again and then we will go to Germany to a male that is
waiting for her =) That will be her last chance to have a
litter. This thing with heat is very contagious.... Brizna
has started her heat too - 1,5 month to soon. Well that is no
panic about that because we had already decided to do a re-mate
between her and Rex because the way the A-litter has turned out
=)) In beginning of Mars we hope the puppies will se the
daylight ;) Then Brizna will have her last litter in beginning
of 2012 with a very interesting male ;)
2010-12-15 It have not been a success mating despite
the fact that Raika is more than willing, but the male is
not...... Could be she is not optimal yet, but I have to go
to Stockholm tomorrow and will not be back in time to try
again. This means that it will not be a litter from Raika on
this heat =( well, well that is how it can be and we have to
wait to her next heat instead.
Today I and the girls went down to south of Sweden to see if
there will be a successful mating with Raika. SHE just loved
him and did everything to get under his skin.... He liked
her too, but where much cooler = not optimal yet. He also
loved the girls very much =)We will try again 2 days from
now and see if she is ready then ;) On our way back home we
stopped at Susanne and Joachim (Kennel Ruby Rivers). The
girls had pasta while we grown ups. Nice to see you again
and we will meet on Tuesday =))
Today my husband and I are celebrating 22 year of marriage!
Well celebrating and celebrating ...... Göte is working very
late, the girls are having a nasty cold so I guess they and
I will have a cozy evening in front of the TV looking at the
Nobel dinner and eat a tasty cake ;) The preparations for Christmas are in fully speed here. This
time we will go to my mother - nice!- but there is a lot to
do anyway. Christmas gift to be bought, baking cookies,
lists for Christmas food, schedule everything that has to be
done, Lucia celebration, Christmas celebration in schools
etc. It seems it is no way just drop everything because you
will not be home this Christmas ;) lol..... Beside we are
standing in front of the fact that Raika started her heat,
yup 1 month to early - at least, and shall be covered!
Germany is by this out of question and we have to do that
combination next heat. Instead we will draw out our "jokern
in the back-pocket"! A male we have had in our minds/plans
since the day Raika was born and now the combination will be
done - very excating!
Well then - we are in the month of Christmas. I am sitting
here with the new Swedish Belgians club magazine "Belgaren"
and enjoying it very much. A lot to read and great
advertises and Christmas greetings =)
This weekend the girls and I have made
house, outside privy, train of gingerbread. We have also
made some Christmas gifts by decorating red hearts with
glitter in different colors to hang up in the tree and off
course calibrate Stephanie's baptize-day. ![](../../../pic/julbilder/vinterland_2008.JPG) Angelica competed in 3-spot and it went good -
congratulation. The final shooting became a terror because
Angelica and her component had the same points so it went to
a total shoot off. Everyone else where done so they all
stood and looked at this shoot off! For every arrow that was
shoot a sound came from the audience. They had 8/8... 9/9...
8/8 they thought but the last shown that Angelica had a 9
and big applauds break loose! Angelica took this shoot off
with 1 points! Boy I would have liked to be there to feel
the tense and atmosphere!!! Great done girl =)
2010-11-28 First advent! and we celebrated it on the
Nordic Winner Show 2010 in Lilleström, Norway!!! But let's take it from the beginning...
plans (Susanne from Ruby River's and I) where to sleep here
in our house to early in the morning drive to Norway for the
show. BUT, the winter in Sweden came early this year and it
seems it will stay - considering the icy roads and all the
snow we would have to start from here in middle of night
rather than early in morning therefore we decided to book a
room in a hotel in Norway and go one day earlier. That
turned out to be a very wise decision! The roads where very
icy and the snow kept coming down from the sky. Here and
there you did not se the road because of all snow, well
until we came to the Norwegian border that is. They usually
have more snow than us but this time the roads where much
better and it where also less snow!?! Because of this we
decided to pluck moss on our back home the day after =9.
Anyway - the trip went well and the GPS enjoyed it so much
it took us for an extra sightseeing round Oslo before we
finally stopped outside the hotel. An extra trip about 1
hour more it turned out when we asked in the lobby. The
easiest, quickest and nearest way to the show where straight
from the hotel and about a drive of 15 minutes!!!
Susanne and my experience of staying at hotel is not the
most updated and that was showing right away - in the
elevator!!! Pushed the button floor 6, nothing happen,
pushed again, still nothing, tried ALL the buttons, still "dead"!?!
A hotel-guard came to our rescue, told us that we had to use
the door key - eh.. ok... moved around the card in circles
towards all buttons - nothing happened and the guard had it
very difficult not to laugh out laud (yes, we did notice
that...) took the card and hold it in front of an display
over the buttons. ALL buttons started to light up and we
could push the 6. Hepp! The doors closed and the last
we saw of that guard was a BIG smile all over his face (No,
we do not want to know what he was thinking!!!). Ok, that's
one on us!
The hotel room, a very nice one, but without
any light. Finally we managed to light a small lamp on the
desk and then we discovered a small cardholder beside the
desk on the wall - that is a smart thing for the once that
tend to "lose" the card everywhere in the room, but we are
peoples with order so the hunt for light went on. For some
reason we decided to put one of the card in the holder and
WOILA! there was light!!! eh...ok...
card in the holder to get light - card out - light of... ok
nice, even clever... well.... down to the car, moved it to
the nearby parking lot and went back in big troubles keeping
us on feet's in the slippery snow with the dogs plowing in
front of us.
In the lobby one other guard where standing
and Rex, they whey he is, went straight up to him to say hi!
the guy answered with a - Hi again you (they had never
meet before)! and his voice went up in falsetto. He also put
his hands in his pockets? Rex did not notice at all because
he where already on his way over to some nice dressed girls
for the next hi-saying and the guard started to bread
again.... It turned out he where terrified of dogs!, but
before we took the elevator up to the room he had patted Rex
=) and kept his voice in a normal tone - great done! Susanne
and I decided to go to bed early after the long trip. We
took a nice cup of coffee and a last round with the dogs
before we turned in. In this techno room Susanne had major
problem finding the swish to turn off the light on the small
lamp at the desk - well not so strange while it was a normal
lamp with the swish where it normally are - no card not
noting - a bit to easy in this techno hotel..... I had
almost none sleep during the night. Party at the hotel with
the music so loud we heard it like they played outside our
door 6 floor up! The elevator went up and down and the doors
banged every time they closed. Beside, we got a room with
windows towards the main road outside and in Norway people
do not sleep at nights no, they drive cars!!! hahaha... This
is sounds I normally do not hear - have I lived in the
country to long all ready?
morning we gave the dogs some food, dressed up and went down
to the lobby where we found our "doggy-bags" with
the breakfast in. The breakfast at the hotel did not open
until one hour after we had gone so the personal made bags
for us to take with us! very nice. In the lobby they
also had very nice coffee =) Packed the car and drown of to
the show aria. The GPS wanted one other road, and were very
persistent about it too, but we took the one the girl told
us to and after about 15 minutes we where at the show =) The
feeling of "all roads goes to Rome" hit us outside the mess.
Cars came from everywhere and all with the same goal.
beside the ring a lot of good friends waited for us. (thank
you all for a very nice day). Rex where first out in the
ring. Happy, crazy (bib-sound from toys makes him ... well...
crazy ... hahahaha) The judge liked him and gave him Ck, his
first Norwegian CAC, the title: Nordic Winner
2010 and finally also the BOB!!! The females attended where
not so lucky: Majas junior female however got the title
Nordic junior Winner 2010 (Congratulation!), but only with a
1st prize and honor-prize. Daphne got a 2nd prize, Xena as
well and Inja a 1st prize - all in open class. The judge
where impressed by the good condition Inja have in age of 9,5
years! and the judge-trainee where impressed that all teeth
where still there ;)
While done in the ring we went to the
photographer for BOB photos taken for the magazine. Everyone
there where involved when it was Rex turn. They wanted him
to stand up on a podium (desk) but for him a desk means =
Veterinarian = lay down, and lay very still for exam. We had
huge problem trying to make him stay up (hm... need to train
this...) and gave up after awhile. The desk where put aside
and the photos where taken on him at the floor. The
photographer laugh at his crazy, happy and funny way every
time he heard a toy, and took a lot of photos. After that we
went to the shop for cockades and diploma and then a nice
cup of coffee and. So nice to finally sit down for a while.
Outside it had started to snow -heavily- (forget the moss)
and thinking of the bad roads and the long drive home we
decided not to stay for the finals. Instead we hurried up
with buying things needed (dog related) and had a quick stop
at the show-case for Belgians before we said goodbye to your
friends and started the long drive back home. The road home
where terrible - even worse than gotten here. Just after the
Swedish border we met the plow car and because the wind was
so hard (from the side) he plow up a lot of snow that the
wind grabbed on to, and all went over to our side!!! It
became total white! - a thick white wall - and both Susanne
and I became really scared. It is not so nice to met the
trucks when the weather is like this but the snow clouds
after them is temporary and very soon you se the road again.
Now it felt like for ever and thank God the road where
straight there otherwise we would have ended up in the ditch
for sure!!! That was a close death-experience! Finally we made it home and over a cup of coffee (yes, we
had food both to Norway and home on the way - we do not only
drink coffee ....) we talked the trip over. Even though we
where very tired and still had that close to death experince
in our thoughts we where very happy we did go for the show
and also very happy over the results of Rex. =))
2010-11-14 During last week I and
Stephanie have had a cold. It has also been a period of
stress because the Christmas number of Belgaren (The
breeding paper) had its script stop. As the redactor I have
had my hands full setting the adds and everything for the
printing. It is fun but a bit hectic times around the script
We have had our first snow and it came a
lot! It stayed for 3 days before it melted away again. Sorry
to say that the first snow always means a lot of traffic
accidents. Cars in the ditches here and there and more or
less chaos in traffic and I find it hard to understand why
people takes with surprise every ear! Have they forgotten we
always gets winter in this country? On Friday it rained and
now the roads are nice to drive on again.
Angelica competed Saturday and despite nice
score of 494 points it was not close to her goal. She ended
up on 8:e place. Last year this score had given her the
golden medal.! In the top it has started to be very crowdie
;) A challenge and also very exciting when it now are 10
girls fighting over the top places and they are very close
in scores on each competition. We are so proud and are
keeping fingers crossed. Next competition is the
district-championship =)
The girls have had autumn holidays the week that past by
and it has been a full time week within the family. Probably
already written this but we are also, since some months
back, looking for a new house to rent because our landlord
want to sell the one we are living in now. Anyway, it takes
up all our time right now, but we have nice friends helping
in the search and I want to say thank you for doing it =)
Yesterday Maria and Alpha came over for
coffee and play =). Anouk and Alpha are total crazy outside
and it is so fun watching them play and run together.
I got a very nice mail from kennel Casfan.
Dimma has been put up to show in Herning, Denmark, during
this weekend and she took what could be taken - so to speak.
At Saturday she got best female, BOB and CACIB! On Sunday
she got best female, BOB, CACIB and the titles:
(for second year in a road!). There is only two words for
this: VAJERT!!! &
2010-10-23 Okay, so now we, or rather the dogs,
have kennel-cough! How they got it or from whom is still
a question mark but they handle it good. In other words
they got it in "light" version and now they all are much
better again. First we thought it was a cold because
both Göte and Cassie have been ill the week that past
by, but after seeing the veterinarian we now know it is
kennel-cough, soon to be over.2010-10-16 The indoor season for bow competition
have now started. Angelica competed in Vetlanda
this weekend and with nice 501 points she took the
silver medal! Jihaaa!!! Way to go girl!
Inja and Susanne has been up to show this weekend
and - almost written as usual - Inja got BOB, BOB
Veteran and BIS4 Veteran! BIG congratulation from us!
2010-10-11 This weekend has flown by quietly
(despite the chocking news on Friday night). Anouk where
with me to a meeting with the breeding club. There he
played with a tough Malinois girl at age 4 month. She
was so cute with shag from end of tail to the nose......
Jey and I have had nice evenings to ourselves when
the younger girls gone to bed. We have talked, looked at
some nice programs and films had tea and sandwiches. And
off course cozy with the dogs. Thank you my beloved
girls for a nice weekend.
Friday night - short:
Angelica phoned Friday night and put my hart into
my throat! Could not bread until afterwards. - Hi Mum, I have been involved in a car accident and I
am on my way back from the hospital now. Do not worry, I
am ok, no broken bones or nothing. Will just turn
blue/yellow/green and all kinds of color on my back! - WHAT? Stop, back the tape.... what happen? - Well, I was hit by a car when cycle home from bow
training. Smacked into the street with my back first but
I was protected by the rucksack. It reduced the fall for
me because it was full of sheets. The bike landed on top
of me. - eh... sheets? - Yes (laughing), we had photos taken in school today on
the theme "toga" that is why I had them in the rucksack.
At the hospital they did examine my head and body, did
x-ray on my back and said that I got away lucky in
this. No concussion, no broken or split bones just hard
soft parts injuries, a bit of a chock and that the
Scoliosis is where it is - nothing to do with that ...... - What? Scoliosis? what?...... Do you have scoliosis in
your spine? - Obviously! The x-ray showed Scoliosis and the doctor
thought I already know that. Total surprise but now I
understand why I have had problems with the back now and
then! My trainer had it right al the time, I was not
over trained at all as the previous doctors said.....
NO, I had Scoliosis the whole time!!!
Good Lord! A lot of things makes sense with this
knowledge. The pain in her back and strange muzzle-pain
close to the spine earlier have now been explained. This
time it where kind of luck in the un-luck that the
accident happen. Now the training will be put up with
the Scoliosis in mind. I can not help to get a bit angry
with the doctors that she has been seen earlier and that
told her she was over trained and just had to rest. Why
did they not examine her better? If they had back then -
this would have been known much earlier and her training
could be adjust to that knowledge from that point. The
young driver that hit her phoned the police and
ambulance himself and stayed with her until they came -
no hit and run there - he also went with her to the
hospital and his father was the one driving her home.
Poor man we do hope they will not take his
driven-license away now. After all it did went well.
2010-10-03 After lunch and the cleaning up
from yesterday - boy it did look like there had been a
party going on...... - we packed up and left home. A
stop to drop of Sid and buy dinner before we got home.
Total exhausted after all driving and hm..... partying
maybe?!.. I took a nap with the dogs before dinner. They
seemed to be very tired after all playing, petting and
driving this weekend as well ;)
Happy birthday mum!
2010-10-02 Today we packed the caravan and
went to Stallarholmen and to my mothers house for a
combination of crayfish- and birthday party. First we
stopped at Marieberg shopping center where we picked up
Jeys boyfriend, Sid, and Jeys digital camera. We landed
at mothers house in the afternoon and took a long walk
with the dogs. Brizna and Anouk played in the fields for
a long time. We had a very nice time at the party with
good friends and family. A lots of laughter and jokes
where delivered, good food and nice crayfish as well. On
our walk with Rex and Raika they nearly gave me a heart
attack because they, in the dark, started to run after a
deer that suddenly run up in front of Rex nose. They
where way out in the field and I shouted TURN, only once
and not even laud actually, and BOTH of them turned back
right away!! They came back in fully speed straight at
me and none of them turned their head to look after the
deer! YES I am proud =)) Anouk where with us all
the time and became very popular among the guests....
well.... my sisters small pinscher might not agree
here..... The night became late - in fact next morning -
before we all went to bed in the caravan to get some
sleep this 24 hour.
Way to early in the morning I and Cassandra took Alpha
with us to a show at Lindesberg Working club.
Terrible cold, windy and a lawn filled up with water
to splash around on where given us. We entered as
number 5 in the ring and got very nice critics and a
HP (honor prize) Because it was so cold Cassandra
and I chosen to have our lunch in the car.
:) Cosy. A good friend I have not meet in person for several
of years showed up and we had a very n ice time - thank
you Sussie for taking time to come and we talk by
phone soon again (as usually). Back home it took
awhile to get warmed up again and later in evening
Maria came to bring Alpha back home again. I went to
bed early ;) 2010-09-25 Anouk
and Alpha became very cheep today - more or less for
free actually - because they ran like maniacs
outside and without looking they ran into my back!
(I did not know I could that many cureswords ) . Flow
like a rag and landed with my face into the
flower-bed. - It where kind of good because I found
a plant I did not know it was there, a little nice
one of wild strawberry! - With more ache in every
limb than usually I crawled, stumbled but managed to
get up from there eventually. Just to get a big
punch in back of my neck from Alpha, whom tried to
jump over me!!! for about .... round 750 when they
came with a speed like the wind but misjudged
totally! Do I need to write they spend the rest of
the afternoon indoors?! It took quit some time
before all stars of universe disappeared in front of
me and a big nasty colorful mark started to show all
over my back and neck ...... - maniacs for sure.....
2010-09-24 Alpha came today to be
here over the weekend. Jippie if you ask Anouk!!! They run
like maniacs in the yard and it is quite dangerous to be
outside at the same time they are..... - crasy siblings! ;)
During the evening and the night we had terrible weather
here. 2 big thunderstorms past by our village right over our
house! they came straight after each other and made terrible
noise. The lightening made the sky bright like in
daytime....... the dogs?..... SLEPT true it!! :)
2010-09-19 Today Inja has
done great in the ring again =) at Enköping working
club she got CK, BOB and BOB veteran. She also took
the place BIS 2 and BIS 1 veteran (again!!!)
2010-09-15 My cold is gone and now it was
Götes time to get it. After him it has gone true the
whole family and let's hope its done now. We are
still looking for a new house and there is one, to
rent, that we like a lot but the owner has it hard
to say yes or no.... he says he will tell us
"next week" - but is stalling it all the time....
sigh... Guess we just have to keep looking!
2010-09-11 Today I went up
way to early again - despite minor effect of the
cold !!! This time the car where packed with Brizna,
Anouk and show packing. Target for today where
Tranås Working club where Maria with Alpha, Susanne
with Daphne and Sussie plus Nicke with Inja also
entered. Picked up Marion, her tervueren boy and my
show tent on my way to the club. Finally there (fun
that all of us "landed" almost at the same time even
though we all came from different directions!) the
car where unpacked and the show tent raised up, the
nice breakfast with sandwiches and coffee we brought
along where served ;) Yummy! Talking about Marion -
she needs strong GLASSES ... She cold not find her
dog in back of my car(?!) and the looks of the dog
when she closed the door and walked away without him
can not be described! hahahahahaha...... thank God
the rest of us have better eyes and could show her
that he was sitting there - still with a silly face!
Well Marion, we are going to live in this one for a
loooooong time.... ;)
![](../../../pic/Laekenois/kullar/uppfodargrupp_100911_bis2.JPG) First out, or in more like it, where the kangaroo
Anouk bounds, bounds, bounds, yes well.... He did
manner himself nicely (now and then in the running
too) and the judge liked a Belgian in his age coming
into the show ring owning and loving the whole wide
world and everyone in it!!! He where rewarded with a
honor prize. At the same time she gave him the HP
she told med that she by principal never gave a CK
to a junior... he, he ... that principal of
hers was to be changed when Alpha made her entrées
into the ring! Oh yes, she also showed she got
kangaroo genes but not as much as her brother. CK
and 2 best female!!! Then it was time for Brizna and
Daphne. Brizna first showed with her behavior where
the kangaroo-genes comes from, kissed the judge and
almost dragged me into the ground when she heard a
sound from a toy outside the ring - but this time I
where prepared and managed to stay up. She got CK
and became today's best female and got the BOB. A
more calm Daphne got HP today. Then it was Injas
got super critic (well they all did actually) and
became BOB veteran. The breeding group today where:
Alpha and Anouk, mum Brizna, grandma Daphne and
great grandma Inja!!! HP and ended up in the final
as BIS2!!! I got the honor to show
Inja in the final ring. First she decided that this
"old lady" is not going to move more today..... lol.......
but I managed to get her in into one other mind
(like when I put her up when she was young) and she
flown beside me. I think my shouting for joy when
she got the BIS1 place must have been heard all over
the landscape! I can not describe the feeling! She
is still going strong for sure ;) Thank you all for a very lovely day!
2010-09-08 A nasty cold and terrible pain
(more than always) has taken over my body =( Hot drinks and painkillers is the "food" to get well
as soon as possible - at least until next weekend
when Anouk and Alpha is going to show and start in
junior class for their first time.... Our kennel
will also have a breeding group there!
Today I, Cassandra, Angelica, Stephanie, Alpha and
Anouk went to Hallsberg to keep fingers crossed for Angelicas
first competition at 70 meters. Deadly cold outside
until the sun finally found its way true the trees
and could warm us up a little bit. The competition
went well and Angelica made her goal for today to
reach the final shootings =) she ended up at 14th
place - Super congratulation! By this her goal for
this year is also achieved! Now they will start the
shooting indoors and it is going to be very
interesting to follow the season ahead. Will she
been able to develop as much this year as last?
Early - very early - the children, Brizna and I went to
Eskilstuna for international show. Sussi and Nicke with
company and Inja where already there when we arrived. They
where suppose to take there show-tent with them but at the
showground it turned out they had only the tent-pegs for it!
The canvas where still home!!! lol! Thank God we had big
luck with the weather, cloudy but without rain, that day! We
had a lovely day and Cassandra proved to be a very helpful
young girl the whole day! Brizna got CK, BOS and her first
CACIB and Inja became BOB veteran with CK. Very nice !!! So
fun to se a lot of peoples you have not seen for quite some
time now.
When it was time to go back home I became really mad! I took
Brizna and some packing to the car, went back to the
ringside to get the children and the rest of the packing and
when we came back to the car a note where put
on the window. ZERO TOLERANCE where written all over
the paper! Excuse me!?! Are you not allowed to put your dog
into the car while getting the rest of the things anymore? I
got hold of the girl putting the note on the window and
asked her what she where thinking. She defended herself
with: - I did not know that! And added: that it is
not allowed to have dogs into the cars. (well if it is a
warm sunny day - I would agree, but a cloudy and a bit cold
day? and for 17 minutes?) I where away for exactly 17
minutes - exactly - so I asked her if she had a solution of
the problem to get the dog back home if she was not allowed
into the car at all! She never came up with anything, just
turned and waked away. No apology no nothing. ... Cloudy and
a bit cold, 17 minutes away and BANG a note at the window -
THAT is to go to far!!! I also know several peoples that put
their dogs into the cars after they had been into the ring
and what I could se .... no notes on their windows! .....
grrrrr...... It is a shame with a bad ending like this on a
very nice day.
2010-08-17 Today it was time for Angelica to go back
to the archery gymnasium. Now she start her last year at the
gymnasium and I can not believe how fast the years have gone
by?!! Now she has started to thinking about where to go
after the graduation and on her dress to all the balls she
will attend to before that (off course).
![](../../../pic/Askersund_hilman1_100805.JPG) 2010-08-15
Today I and Anouk went to Askersunds International show
to keep our fingers crossed for the lovely female of Tarja.
Anouk where there as psychological support (hm...) and for
social training. He did great the whole day. So proud over
him. We must have held our fingers crossed pretty good
because "Hilman" got CK, BOB and CACIB! VAJERT! and
congratulations from us. Thank you for a very nice day with
nice coffee and bread. Let us do that soon again.....
right?!! Back at home I had an email from Mary telling that
Xena got N-CAC and the title Norwegian Winner-2010 today!!!
WOW! Congratulations =)
Our sweet daughter, Stephanie, had her 4th birthday today.
We celebrated with cake, presents and a very nice dinner.
Jey came from Stockholm and her boyfriend, Sid, where also
with us this weekend. Stephanie jumped of joy over all nice
gifts she got =)
2010-08-01 We are so sad since Even left us you can
never understand. To easy up the pain we just have to do
something! Therefore we took Rex and Anouk down to the lake
for play and swim. Anouk had a little problem in the
beginning to figure out how to swim with out splashing water
all over the place. When he did figure out how to do it he
shown to be a very good swimmer. The boys raced out to the
tennis ball and well Rex won off course so Anouk tried to
take it from him instead...... :) - time flue by even though
it felt like it where total still..... we needed this ... :)
2010-07-28 Even left us today. We are so sad here
we do not know what to do.... Misses him so much! A couples
of hour later a clear big rainbow accrued on the sky! Never
seen such a big one, and the sky went total orange. R.I.P
Yesterday Maria and I where at Örebro Working club for
show and exterior description for Brizna. It was HOT
very HOT while the temperature where 30 + C degrees and no
wind until the afternoon when a small wind found its way
over the aria. Alpha got HP, BOB and BIS-R puppy and Brizna became
approved at her body exam. =)
Maria for a very nice day =))
Later at the evening the wind started to blow harder and
suddenly we got some rain over us, just a few drops not
enough at all, and hard thunder. Afterwards it felt much
more fresh outside and a bit cooler as well.
Today I have talked to the insurance company about Even
because we now know that he go atypical Cushing (overproduction
of cortisone)
and it is so bad the veterinarian have asked permission,
from the insurance company, to put him down. =(
Despite medication his infections has not become better
either. In other words this is the end of it.... and my
hopes to get his great mentality and bone structure is now
gone. A more kind, gentle and funny Laekenois than he is can
probably not be found.
Brizna and Anouk have now tried the life of camping =) A
very nice aria with the playground just outside the door and
with nice sandbank at the sea - well the bathing once told
me abut the sandbank... Oh, yes I usually is one of the
bathing once but a very detailed story from my family about
a snake swimming among all people and when it got to crowdie
for it he/she just went up on the beach..... - thank
you but not thanks - I where not down to the lake at all!![](../../../pic/hus_hem/barnen/camping_2010/Siri2_100707.JPG)
In stead I stayed in the shadow and put up a new tablet
weaving and started on my broodier at my long coat (Viking
coat). Beside I had my hands (read head) full study the new
puppy of Tarja. A little "monster" eh.....
rough hair collie ;) The girl has a lovely temperament and a
lot of fighting spirit. She is also very nice in body.
tried to clean the small one up and
Anouk found her a bit scary but tried to invite her to play
anyway. Well I did not let him because the size of him and
weight are a bit to much for little Siiri to play with. They
can play later when she has grown a bit =). We had nice
barbecue evenings and very nice time and when Tarja and Micke
left for Collie SM in south of Sweden we stayed one more day
before we went home in the heat.
![](../../../pic/viking/Korgflatning1_100704.JPG) 2010-07-05
Recently back home from the Viking festival in. It was in
deed very hot to making pancakes with 3 dresses over open
fire in 30 + degrees!!! This years event where, despite the
heat, one of the best so far! We had lovely time and it was
very nice going there a couples of days before to help out
built up the village and everything for the festival. =))
Angelicas boyfriend, Jimmy, was with us for the first
time this year and he just loved it. - I have found myself a
new hobby, he said!!! Great - one more Viking to count in =)
Thank you both
Angelica and Jimmy for all help during the festival and
Now we are going for camping with the small girls - out
with the Viking stuff from the caravan and in with
everything you need for a nice couples of days at a camping. Micke
and Tarja are already there waiting for us with the gloves
for the barbecue on.... ;)
2010-06-30 It is quite some time since I updated
last. We have had an hectic period of stopping school,
getting Angelica form Olofström and lost of electric power
now and then in the house!!! Looking for somewhere to stay
when we has to move and now we are working hard to get the
cloths done to the girls for the Viking festival. They
need new once growing way to fast ;) We have also been to
the veterinarian several of times with Even because he is
still ill. A lot of test has been taken and it looks bad. We
are waiting for the last tests to se what the problem might
Brizna have had her heat and Raika started just after. Sorry
to say Raika started just before we went to Denmark so we
have to wait with the mating until her next heat. Rex, that
stops eating when the right time is, has just started again
and poor thing.... the neighbor female started her heat a
couples of days ago. It is going to be interesting to se if
he will stop eat during the days of "right time" for her to.
He has already been there to say HI, but it was before she
even started.... thank God.....
the neighbor roof at our back side a couples of common gulls
has tiny babies (second litter) now. The small once are as
big they have started to crawl around on the roof, or more
of it, sliding down having problem getting back to the nest
again. Mr. and Mrs. common gull are the most
terrible "guard-dogs" (good parents) I ever seen.... you
have to be quick to duck when they come one after other!
They start from the roof, right towards us, screaming,
and.... well yes.... "bombing" us (read shitting) when they
are just above. They come so low you can touch them sticking
you hand in the air!! Both Göte and I have been attacked and
they actually touched us on the shoulder! (kind of scary -
yes!) Anouk, Mr. and Mrs. common gull have some kind of
training going on. It looks like some kind of COURAGE TEST - from
both sides actually!
First Mr. common gulls comes and Anouk is crouching down
towards the ground making the common gulls to get as deep as
it dears to. When Mr. is just in front of Anouk he jumps up
after him as high as he can!!
common gull screams and turns straight up 90 degrees in the
sky - still screaming. When Anouk
has landed Mrs. common gull is just behind or above him and
he tries to jump again as high as he can to get her in stead
but without crouching down to get speed he has no chance.
Mr. common gull, however, almost lost his feathers coming to
low a couples of times!!! Anouk is running after them
towards the front side of the house where they turn to get
back to the roof at the back side and Anouk turns and takes
position, sneaking back slowly towards the back side, waits,
crouching down... lower..... lower..., waits AND the couples
of common gull starts from the roof. Anouk starts to run
towards them to jump as high as he can to get either of
them.... well... think you get the picture! The courage test
is now forbidden, I do not want him to end up on his back
and brake it - or hurt himself in some other way....
hu.... or even get the common gull!!!
he does not chase common gulls (or any of the others in the
pack) he chase water..... like father like son.....
and in this case double up while having a mother that is
just crazy by water...
We have not had the chance to take him down to the lake yet,
but I believe he will bath and swim as much as his parents
are when ever they can.
Got news about that Alpha is swiming as good as her parents
and also with joy ;)
Tomorrow we will take the caravan and go for the yearly
event in Stallarholmen - the Viking festival! After
that we will go camping with our friends Tarja and Mike
outside Katrineholm. They are already there waiting for us
with gloves for grilling on!
Ok, so now it is updated a bit again then..... ok, ok....
![](../../../pic/natur/Danmark_2010/blabarsvej_100623.JPG) Beloved,
wonderful Sari and Hannu came to us the 21st of June with Heppo
Hilma to get me and Brizna down to Denmark. After packing
everything into the car for the trip next morning we had
lunch in the garden. In the evening we had barbecue and
talked a lot about everything in life. They slept in our
caravan and the morning after we went up early for breakfast!
We had a few stop on our way down to Denmark and in late
afternoon we where at the cabin there the others where
waiting for us. After a long walk with the dogs we had some
coffee and sandwiches and went to bed total exhausted after
the long trip. The next day we drove in to Herning to take
photos and for shopping.
also had a nice lunch in town before we went back to the
cabin. While back we sat in the sun in the afternoon just
relaxing. It was rather windy and the wind where a bit cold
but that is how it is to live close by the sea.
took Brizna with me down to the sea! Had to hold on to her
tight because she wanted to take a bath or two...... but I
could not let her not knowing how the coat would react on
saltwater. It where just lovely to stand there and feel the
salty winds blowing true the hair smelling the water and
...... just take deep breaths!
We, enjoyed!
We stayed for a long time by the sea and I took a lot of
photos =)
![](../../../pic/natur/Danmark_2010/sandstranden_100623.JPG) Resultantly
we started our way back to the cabin before the others would
be worried and send someone after us. When we got back I
could hear them laugh and talk - they where preparing the
dogs for the show the nest day. They saw us from the cabin
down by the sea so they where not a bit worried - we could
have stayed longer..... After fixing with cloths for the day
after, all paper in order, pedigree and everything else, it
where time for dinner. We had a lovely time talking,
laughing, going thru the verities differences and
similarities, breeding, combinations and training methods
for tracking and agility - in other words a marvelous time
Show day. Up, before the rooster..., breakfast,
out with the dogs and of the Herning. On our way there we
saw both and Polecat and a Fox. =) Inside the area, when all
things you have to bring with you (crate and stuff) where on
place, thank you Joachim for helping me out, I took a walk
with Brizna. There where a lot of time left before the
judging to start so I went over to say hi to a lot of
friends and Belgian owners I have not seen for a long time.
There where a lot of hugging that morning!! =))
judging started and it became a very interesting settlement
in open class females between Brizna and Susannes Gina!!!
The judge had it hard to choose and told us so and why.
Finally the choice felt on Gina for her lovely movements. Brizna
excellent and R-CACIB. Gina became 2d best female total,
after the junior female, and because the junior already got
a title the judge gave Gina the WW- 2010 title!! I thought
Susanne should faint of happiness. A not so nice thing
happen outside the ring when a men started to yell at
Susanne because she came out of the ring to get hugs from
us. The others where still in the ring despite the judgment
where over, and he obviously wanted her there as well. Howe
bad can you be with words and behavior towards others? This
was very bad and even worse he is from Sweden. I do not know
what to say... Never mind - we where all very happy and
after photos taken with the judge we went back to your
chairs. I took Brizna for a walk, also to the veterinarian
for the deworming and and back to the ring to look at the
Malinois before a went out to the Groenendael and Tervueren
ring. At the ringside on the lawn some owners and breeders
of Laekenois where sitting and I went over to them. We had a
very nice afternoon talking about breeding, the Laekenois in
general, combinations, puppies and a lot of other
stuff. We laugh a lot and they told me that next year the
gathering of Laekenois in Holland is celebrating 10
years and I just HAD to come! Sari and Hannu past by
so I took the opportunity to present them to the other
breeders. They all liked Heppos head very much ;) They, Sari
and Hannu, went to the car with things they had bought and
the rest of us went inside to get some coffee. When leaving
the area we stopped to get some nice food for the evening in
a little town close to the cabin.
While Sari rested and the steak where in the oven I went
down with Brizna to the sea. This time she got to swim.
Happiness! I could not find a stick to trough out for her so
I took a small rock - not so good choice - she went very far
out and did not get back in when I called her because she
could not find the "stick"...... finally I ran towards the
road and then she came back in. Twice it happen, but the
third time she did turn and came back towards me when
calling. Good girl =)
In the evening we had a very nice dinner and celebrate the
success from the day! Alva (malinois female) in our
cabin got the Word Winner Junior title, so we had champagne!
The day after we went to Fredrikshamn to get the ferry over
to Göteborg. Home turning day I am afraid. I wanted to
stayed in Denmark longer and get a chance to visit Hanne and Lindy Pelsen,
but we had to get back home. Tank you so much Sari and Hannu for
brining me and Brizna up for this journey =) And thank you
all that I meat in Denmark for a lovely time! Love you all!!
nice things have happen this week that gone by. One of them
is that Raika is well .... I do not find a good word for it
.... in obedience training right now. =)) It is so fun
training her right now and she is suuuuucking in everything
we are doing. If this keeps on, and she will be more steady
in lay down -stay, it is time to start her official again!!
Rex, well we talk silent about that.... in fact we do
whisper - again!
Except for one thing .... his barking towards decoy (things)
is getting better and better .... he is doing it towards the
flies in the roof too!!! (Who knows they might get scared
and "drop down" so Rex can take them.) Brizna has
started her fist heat after the litter and is lovely in her
behavior. Even is ill =(
We are renting this house and our landlord where here
inspecting it and the garden. (He told us he where very
pleased with us as tenants - that was nice to hear!). He
want to sell the house now, so we have to find somewhere
else to stay. THAT came in total wrong time for us.........
so... 3 month from now we do not have anywhere to live. =(
we had a barbecue evening with the neighbor. It was a great
evening and their mix breed, Thea, and Anouk played a lot -
well that is AFTER Anouk understood that she do not eat
young boys for dinner..... Thea found the girls pool and
loved it she lay down in the water several of times and poor
Anouk did not know what to do - water makes you wet!
Is he in his ghost period or what!!!
Today he got scared over a ball that where close to the
bushes. GOD ....... bolls that do eat small laekenois
boys.... but you probably
already knew that. He went closer and closer and decided to
face the ball once and for all.... NOW the boll is dead!
Azzlans owner called today =) They had been to a show at Piteå
Working club and Azzlan got HP, BOB puppy and BIS1 -
puppy!!! WOW!! VAJERT and congratulations! Judge for the day
where race specialist: Sonny Ström.
2010-05-29 The week that has past by has been very
strange - talking weather - and hectic for us -
talking life. It has been raining for almost 1,5 week now
(with glimpse of sun in between) and we have had a lot of
thunder passing by. Every time we hear the thunder rolling
in our way, we plug out internet and other electric stuff
because the lightning tender to strike down here. When the
risk is over we start everything up again so you can just
imagine how much we have been running in the stairs for the
last 1,5 week!! It has been so much raining and lightening
that Örebro went out of water! The lightening strike into
the watertower and some eclectic problem made it to dry out
- as I understand by the newspapers - it has never happened
before! Also a lot of houses had their basements over
floated by water!! When I went to Hallsberg to pick Jennifer
and her boyfriend up for the weekend it started to rain so
hard we, and several other cars, had to stop beside the road
to wait until most of the hardest rain had past by. We stood
there for a long time and in middle of the raining - you
could not se the road at all - it started to hail!! Big
hails! I think we stood there for almost one hour before the
weather calm down so much we could drive - carefully - home.
There where several of cars in that ended up into the
ditches because of the rain that day.
has been ill, or still is in fact. Some strange infection
that will not let go and it worries us - off course. The
doctor has taken a lot of blood samples and given her
strictly training stop for awhile! She can compete if she
does feel good the morning of the tournament otherwise not!
The spring has not been to nice for her either. It came late
due to the cold, but when it came it came hard and her
pollen allergy has been worse than ever. We have also visit
Jennifer in Stockholm this week and it seems she has it good
there - hopefully things will start to change and it will go
better for her from now on. On our way back home we stopped
at mothers house for a coffee brake.
has taken her blood-sample for the rabies. A appointment has
been booked for Even, whom shall be examine totally because
something is wrong with him not gaining weight. We do not
know what to look after, but crossing our fingrs it is not
cancer. He does not feel good that much we can se and I need
to know what is wrong with him (if it is possible to find
out). Yesterday Cassandra and I where down at the lake taken
new Viking photos. (some you can se in the Viking album) Why
are we taken all this photos you might wonder?! Well the
Viking association we are in asked for it because they need
to do new posters for the upcoming festival in July. It
where freezing cold by the water and the wind where rather
hard there - poor Cassandra - she did great and I am happy
with the photos. Hope they are good enough for the posters -
the last one where not because the background where to dark.
When we left there it started to rain again and we could
hear the thunder in distance. It never came by us this time.
the sun was shining for a change we had an garden day. We
took care of the weed, cut the lawn
(heavy said the cutter because the lawn where to wet in
cut off some dry of some bushes and had the first rhubarb
pie for the year. Even though the sun where shining it was
not warm outside and it was rather windy. Sorry to say one
of our beautiful (the photo) Rhododendron died during the
hard winter. The other has only came so long you can se the
color of the flower but they are not yet open. In Stockholm
they where in fully bloom.
Back home at Maria's place we started with dinner and then
her husband and a neighbor to them helped with the bowl.
They too had problem getting it tight enough, but finally we
think they succeeded...... fingers crossed... and THANK you
so much. I took this photo because Mats (Maria´s husband) is
very tall and yet he managed to trick himself into one of
the trunks!!! lol!!!
home to our house Cassandra wanted to sleep in the caravan,
so she and I slept in it the whole weekend. =) Today I
checked the bowl again and sorry to say I does leak, not
much, but still......
Today I have been out with the girls in Viking clouds to
get some new photos. I noticed they have grown a lot this
winter so they need new once now!
We had fun take the photos and are started to long
for the next festival. (More photos in the Viking album).
Now it is high time to start with the new dresses for
the girls. Lovely!
Show day!
Up to get breakfast before carry down everything you need to
have for a good show, chairs, crate, the box with tools for
the coats etc. Then back to the caravan to get the "pack" =) First
to enter the ring was Rex and he played clown as always....
even the judge started to laugh at him and said
- He is a very happy boy!
He even jumped to get the cockades when the secretary
held them up in the air!!!! He got; CK, BOS and BOB Open class. BOB
total went to Vajert Inja (still
going strong and she also got BOB vetran!). Then we changed
ring for the puppies to their debute. Kristin and Tova with
Azka came to visit and for a mini -sibling reunion. Nice!
First to enter where Anouk, and he just forgot that he is a
bit spooky right now, and did not mind the judge touching
him and checking testicles and everything else - good boy! Alphas
liked the judge a lot ;)... nice man this one... need
to give him kisses.... then it were time for both to enter
the ring.... God ... bounce, jump, bounce,
play invites.... some nice running and new play... lol..
puppies! BOB-puppy to Alpha and BOS-puppy to Anouk =)
After that we went down to a bridge to take some
generation-photos with Inja. The pups are
great-grandchildren to her!
Back at the caravan we had coffee and took some photos of
Rex and his children and also to fix the heat..... you know
the warm water bowl...... we managed to get it so tight that
we could start the heat and warm the caravan up total.
Great! When
Tova and Azka left I and Maria took Rex and Alpha down to
finals. Did some obedient work with Rex while waiting Alphas
turn to enter the ring. She got BIS-2 puppy! - Jihaaaa,
Rex became BIS-3 open class.... New Jihaaaa and HE was the
happiest of us all because the nice people brought a lot of
toys, fighting-roughs and other stuff into the ring as
prices and ALL of it just had to be for him ..... hm....
maniac! He bounced up and down and grabbed one toy just to
let it go to take the next and the next and the next.....
I just have to say.....he is a clown for sure =)
After the finals we went back to the warm and cozy
caravan and had a delicious dinner and took a glass of wine
(well a couples glasses) to celebrate the winnings of today.
After a couples of hour talking, laughing and just having a
very nice time, we started to hear some strange noise....
sough.... the bowl has started to leak again!!! While having
it warm and cozy we just turned it of and reason we should
take care of it back home again!
2010-05-12 The day for traveling to the show. Maria
and I decided to take a lot of water with us and take the
white Volvo. If we stop before it heats up to much we just
might get true with it.... We picked the bowl up on our way
and just had to stop for gas and to take the dogs for a
walk. Yes, we did refill the water, but much less than we
thought should be needed from the beginning. Thank God! At
the camping we found our spot and got help from some strong
men to push the caravan on place.... a bit to strong.... one
of them broken one of the handle of the caravan! :(
Maria went down with our meat to the grill and I
started to prepare the rest of the "stuff" for the
dinner and also to fix the warm waterbowl. Could not get
it tight enough so it was leaking water. No warming up
that night!
2010-05-11 Up to get the new contact on the car
fixed. While they fixed the car I went for window-shopping
and found books with wallpapers. There are a loot of nice
wallpapers - and a lot of not so nice... if you ask me. 1,5
hour later I went back to get the car, but they where not
done yet, so I sat in the sun waiting. Went home to change
car with Göte whom shall help Jennifer to move back to
Stockholm today. The white Volvo we got still has the
problem with the cooler for the engine so better take my
care the whole way to Stockholm. When I and the girls ate
dinner Göte called from Stockholm - my car did not start at
all!!! What!?! He called a friend that came over to the gas
station, and he told him it probably where the start engine
that died! NOooooooooo... I shall have that car down to the
show tomorrow...... Called the mechanic to check if they had
any cooler for the engine in and also if they had a new
start engine. Yes, they got both but asked way to much
money for the starter. Let me tell you I almost started to
Been to 4 caravan salesmen and NONE had the bowl!! Then
it turned out that there might be one place on our way down
to Ivo-island that might have one. I called them and YES
they did. Will pick it up on our way down. Even though
everything seems to solve itself I started to get the
feeling it is not over yet.......
2010-05-09 A day with rain, cloud and more rain.
Packing the caravan for Ivo-island. Checking that everything
is ok with it and almost screamed when I saw that the window
in the roof in the toilet is gone! - the one that they
We had to put plastic over the whole to stop the rain to
come in. Then I called the one fixing our caravan and told
him what had happen. He just could not believe it. Further
more it turned out that our warm waterbowl has gone broken
this hard winter and a new one is needed to get it warm
inside the caravan!!! By this time I am start to think we
will not get to the show this year after all. A new window
is about 1500 - 2000 SKr and the warm waterbowl is 1200 SKr.
If w are lucky it will not rain that hard and the plastic
might do, but a new bowl we just must have.
Today we had an very nice training day with Maria and the
gang. It was very cold outside and I had to put on the
winter clods again!!! We had minus degrees during the night.
However when working with the dogs you move around more or
less all the time. And if you are behind a tracker like
Brizna you will even get warm! ;)
little Anouk do not understand what we are doing in the
woods yet. He is tracking now and then, but mostly he is
asking me what we are doing. Well seen this before and he
will come around in time. Rex, the little "thinking" fellow,
is CHECKING the track then he is getting up in high wind and
seek....I´ m rather convinced that if he had not had the
tracking line on he would have taken the figurant by
personal seek because he KNOWS where the figurant is..... so
why go by the track ????
Well I will not give up and he just have to learn to go
within the track - like it or not..... Alpha got a harder
track today - 90 d angulation and shifting vegetation. She
thought the angel to be a bit strange but manage it very
good. One more like this and then we will put in more
angulations in the track. Tack you, Maria, for a nice day as
always ;-)
2010-05-06 On my way up from Angelica I picked up
our caravan that has been in for service. Now it should be
done for this season and the first trip will be to the
Belgian special show at Ivö-island newt week. I will go
there with Anouk, Rex, Alpha and Maria, but first I need a
new contact on my car for the caracan because the one I got
is loose.... not so good......
2010-05-04 I went down to Angelica in
Olofström today. Lovely to get "out" for a few days. It has
been a little bit to much for a long time now and I do feel
quite a need for rest. Also I am a bit disappointed over the
spring that never seems to come.. not with much warmer days
anyway... we still have nights with minus degrees! Anyhow
the trip down to Angelica went well and I will be here for 3
days before I need to get home again.
2010-05-01 New month .... AGAIN!!!!.... and yet
very cold outside. The spring is here but it is not that
warm as it can be this time of year. Today it was cloudy
and windy. A lot of people where probably at the workers
demonstration somewhere in the country. Maria and I
decided to do our own demonstration..... hahahahaha
tracking in the woods ;)
Alpha did a brilliant track and it is very funny to
se her finding the things in the track...... talk about
"whole world coming down of happiness" The
tracking went much better for Rex today! He did more
track than search - good boy. Anouk, however, did not
manage his track in the wind. He went backtracking, so
we stopped before he learn the wrong way. He does not
understand what we are doing yet so he where as happy as
ever anyway. Mum, Brizna, knows for sure what this is
about and because it where a long time ago she tracked
she was overheated. Boy..... I had to lean backwards to
hold back in the line, trying to slow her down. A very
fun and nice photo where taken by Maria when Brizna
tracked. Look!!
At the photo she is turning up towards
the track where she lost it because of the speed! More
ran than tracking it seems..... but we know why... so
happy over finally be back on track (so to speak...)
the training we let the dogs stretch out by running and
playing. Maria got the boll-thrower and did they run
after the boll!!!!
Notice how the gentlemen Anouk and father Rex lets
the girls carry the boll..... ;) .... or was it they
could not run as fast as the girls......
![](../../../pic/Laekenois/kullar/a_kull/22v/Alpha_Anouk_boll1_100501.JPG) ![](../../../pic/Laekenois/kullar/Brizna_Rex_boll_100501.JPG)
2010-04-25 The week has past and for me trying to get
well from the nasty cold I still got (3 weeks now). I also
spent time for obedience with Rex - mostly. We do not agree
about how things shall look or be done so now and then I
"put him away" to train with a dog much more interested in
obedience - Raika!! She is great in it (a bit to hot) and so
fun to do things with after struggling with Rex. ;)
Maria, Kennel Sinanjus, and I where in the woods for
tracking. Alpha has done tracking about 5-6 times now and
she is really good at it! Anouk did not quite get it first,
but he did track as well, from time to time, and when he did
he where very good too! =) He went very happy finding Maria
behind the big root in the end of the track. Then it was Rex
turn, poor boy, he really IS a search dog ..... well yes he
did track... but every time I thought he where "stuck in the
track" he went up towards the woods because somewhere in
there the figurant must be.... he had found the track....
right!?!! When not letting him go for search he started to
track again, a bit, and the same procedure cured - towards
the woods total still waiting for me to give him the signal
- not getting one starting to track a bit longer.... In the
end of the track I could not stop him.
got Maria by high wind and sat off with thin me hanging like
a rag in the end of the line - not letting go - trying to
keep up with his crazy fast speed. I even had to jump over a
small stream!!! Happy I did not brake any legs there......
The day where lovely. Sun and just a light wind. The only
bad thing where that Rex and Maria´s goenendael Taiba had a
not so nice discussion, and Rex had to train lay down and
stay for a long time..... bad boy!!... you do not talk to
ladies like that - even if they do answer...
I did remember to bring the camera and got a lot of nice
photos. Beside training we sat in the sun drinking coffee
watching Alpha and Anouk play like crazy. They had fun I
tell you....
2010-04-19 The weekend that past by, Jennifer
where home and we hade a very nice time. Sunday I helped her
with some schoolwork she had to do and it where total in my
taste. Viking age!!! A lot of work where done and we had fun
doing it. =)
Ok, been awhile since I updated the blog, but I have not
find any inspiration for it..... Spring is one month late
here. Not until now we have a lot of spring-flowers and the
tulip blade is sowing too. The Azalea has also tiny blade
(the photo) and I do hope it will have flowers too this
year. It did not set any flowers last year because the
spring came early and stopped because of a week of cold and
snow! Azalea do not like that.....I am privileged to hear
from the owner of the A-litter and so far everything is
working out fine. The gang is now in a age of shifting teeth
a time where you sometimes wonder how they can chew when it
can be rather empty in the mouth. ;-) Anouk shifted is front
teeth both up and down at the same time! He looked as if
someone had pulled in a stick or something and got every
teeth out!!! If he could speak he would have had problem
pronouncing S - for sure. Now the new once is up and he will
have correct scissors-bite as it looks now =) The P1
& P2 is also where they should be =)
puppies pages will be updated with the information I got so
far since they left for their new homes.
Speaking of updates..... I have change the pages of the
litters. Now there is information of each one of them
directly when you enter the litter. Here and there some
puppy photos are missing - earlier litters - and it will be
there when I have gone true all paper photos and
scanned them in. It will take awhile because my scanner
"died"...... grrrrrr.... Some adult photos are also missing.
The reason is that I have not got any from the owners. All
"puppies" will still have their own pages except for those I
have not got any information from since they left home - no
need to have an empty page is it?!
2010-03-13 We have had sun for the last couples of
days and the snow is melting rapidly - me like. We still
have minus degrees, especially at nights, and that has made
it dangerous to take walks during the day. The melting snow
has turned into ice and it is so slippery that even the dogs
takes it more slowly.
Rex has been a bit confused this last week ...... I am
training the clicker on him and he do not understand why he
got candy, after a click, while he had done nothing.....
hahahahaha..... However he is a smart boy and now he has
started to try out different positions to make it click.
Sit, lay down, healing ... yes, even barking .... Is
that a proof that he got it and I can move on to the next
I have also heard from the owners of the A-puppies :)
Everything are getting along just fine and several of the
owners have booked a new puppy in about 1-3 years from now!
Alpha has done her first tracking and she just love to find
the husband of the owner with her toy in end of the track!
Azzlan is very occupied learning great stuff - if you ask
him - bowling with dachshund , trough and play with
Papillion-ears, cleaning up after the horses........ Akira
is doing success in shopping markets and on other public
places - where she just "owning the whole place" ;) Azka
love it in the zoo market and still want to be in "ma´s" lap
- even though she starts to get a little bit big for it.
Last I heard of Anzir and Attli they had their full time
meeting people that never seen a Laekenois before and none
of the girls seems to mind a bit! They also seems to have
adjust to the different of weather and are doing fine in the
heat. So happy everything are getting great and that you all
(owners and dogs) seems to love each other. I will update
the pups sites with what I have got in as information. =)
Keep up the good work!!!
2010-03-05 On Monday this week I went to the doctor
for taking blood samples and as well height as weight where
checked to calculate my BMI - hm... it is very low I tell
you..... any how I have gain 2 kg in weight and that is
good! After that they "empty" me on blood for 7 (seven)
tubes and as my beloved friend Tarja said - So much for 2
kg up ..... hahahaha...
During the week that has past Rex and I has
been training barking on command. I also have tried to learn
the program In design 4, and it has not been that easy, even
though I do recognize a lot from the previous (read first)
program: Page Maker. The reason for it is that I have
accepted the editor post at the Belgian breeding club
magazine in Sweden and when I did the magazine where already
1 month late. Now it is almost ready and next week it will
be printed =). Stephanie is back in kinder garden again
after her operation. She sleeps nice, the whole night, and
do not snore or is having any breeding stop during sleep any
longer - releasing! We also got more snow - as that should
be necessary - but also very nice sunny days! The
temperature is about - 11 degrees at the nights and gaining
up to - 3 -- +1 at the days. We are still taken care of
Anouk, for Annelie, and for each day that passes by I get
more and more found of him - it will be hard to let him go
home .......
Every summer for the last two years my plan had been to
attend to a week seminar in IPO, but both summers things
always came up that spoiled my plans......
.... believe my happiness when I Thursday morning (18/2) packed in Rex
and his son Anouk into the car to FINALLY drive to south of
Sweden (Skåne) to attend in a weekend seminar with no less
than Fabrizio
Coppola! The weekend where amazing! Interesting, learning, uplifting,
and energy kick giving AND weather changing - for sure! And
the food - boy it was good!!!
Anouk did success with his clown-behavior and Rex did very
nice in training. He is a quick learner, honest in his
behavior, though, no sorrow lays over him and he bought what
ever they tried with him or did to him! However everything
almost ended before it even started ....... the backdoor of
my car looked itself and it took quit a while before two
strong men could open it - thank God! It is impossible to
try out the dog in the sport if he is looked into the car ......
right?! About the weather then -
during a time of two h ours
we had very changing weather! It started with heavy snowfall
where the snowflakes where as big as a coin (2 cm diam.) and
also so thick it took a while before they melted in the
hand. Then it started to get very windy (as always in south
of Sweden) - less nice. You could hardly see anything in
front of you. After awhile the snow went over to a hailstorm
...... ouch!.... it really hurt when it hit in the face even
though the hail where not big. Then it went over to.....
RAIN... eh yes it actually came cold rain..... and went over
to snowing again (for the rest of the day) - the Gods of
weather had problem to decide it seems. The only thing we
did not have this two hours where sun, but that we got on
Saturday morning and to about lunchtime =)
The night to Saturday was very cold and it came a lot of
snow. The sun came through in the morning and it became a
lovely day - almost spring feeling - and it made the snow
started to melt on "our" cabin roof sliding down to finally
hit the ground with a heavy noise..... just outside our door
- where else? In the end of the first exercise for Rex his
thong became blue - poor boy.... he could not get enough air
in the neck less because he worked so hard - therefore the
exercise after lunch where made in a harness that I
fortunately could lend from Christina (tank you so much for
the kindness), and Rex could act much better and to his
fullness. Good boy!
the last dog of the day we went inside and while waiting for
dinner Fabrizio went through the exercises of the day
(different for different dog) and explained why they had
done as they did and the goal of the exercises at the end.
He also draw parallels to wild animal in hunting, playing
and pack life. Educational I tell you!
During dinner and afterwards we had very nice time talking
about everything - not only dogs, training and competing
even though it of natural reason became a big subject. I
find it very interesting to learn how other do theirs
training and theirs thinking about dogs, problembehavior and
solutions they have done and discovered working.
A lot of histories about mistakes during competing and
training where told and we laugh out laud several of times.
In other words it was a generous bunch of peoples. at the
seminar =)
The night to Sunday where very cold and just before it
started to freeze it came a lot of snow - just incase.... In
the morning I could not open the backdoor - again - but this
time because it has stuck frozen. The only door that
had not where the one on the drivers side. Finally we got it
open and could start to warm the car up for Rex to be there
the exercises. With the harness on even today Fabrizio told
me he wanted to try something more dificult on Rex. He also
told me that he would probably not make it - to soon in his
training - but he wanted to se what Rex would do anyway. Ok,
try! The helping figurant took Rex, Fabrizio played and run
behind the shield and they let Rex free! Of he went, rounded
the shield and sat down, but no barking at all. After a
short while he tried to get behind Fabrizio to steal the toy
- when he understood that could not be done he barked
twice!! and got his reward =) Rex almost made the exercise
correct and Fabrizio where impressed!
have to say I like seminaries where I do not have to do all
the work! This weekend I where behind the help figurant most
of the time telling Rex he did great and learned how to do
it myself later in his education (that is when the help
figurant is our figurant and I am on the other end of the
leach. He told me later that he liked the reactions of Rex
and is willing to be our figurant when times for this work
comes). That was not hard work at all!! ;-) lol...... =)) We
only trained Rex once today because you could tell he where
very tired.
After all dogs had gone theirs for today - about lunch
time -
Fabrizio went through what he thought of the seminar time
and each dog with its owner. He also gave homework and tip
how to move further from now. After that people started to
leave for home. I packed my things and the dogs and started
the loooong way back home.
Even though you are a bit "cut of the world" on seminars
like this we have had news about the weather and all the
class two warnings that had been given. When I now started
my trip back home I where a bit nervous about the slippery
roads and how much snow there actually would be.
But it turned out I did not have to worry until I got closer
to Jönköping! (Have they sold their snowplows?) The
higher up I got - and closer to home - the worse the roads
got. Not only by the "tons" of snow but also of the cold. It
was like driving on pure ice! I had a brake at Maria on
kennel Sinanjus where Anouk and Alpha played a lot =) Then I
drove the last bit to home and the temperature became lower
and lower. We had - 19 degrees Celsius outside........ brrrr......
Thank you beloved Lotta
(kennel My´s Lya) for this week end and for your super
delicious good food!! Now Rex and I will work hard on our
homework so we can show you hove far we got next time we
meet. And I do hope it will be soon ;-)
2010-02-14 Anouk has, since Anzir and Attli left,
clearly shown that he find it lonely without his siblings to
early in Friday morning Alpha came to be with us over the
weekend and the joy for both Anouk and Alpha is
indescribable! Both got ....... total crazy - that simple
...... They have done their best to "kill" each other during
these days and boy they have had fun! =) Ma, Brizna,
also became very happy the "lost" puppy was back! - well she
needed to get a totally clean up (do not have the same smell
as "home" any longer.. poor puppy) beside she must be
starving being away so long...... so Brizna gave her milk!
Anouk go a small zip before Brizna told him - enough young
man! He has not been lost for several of days so he had to
leave for bed so Alpha could get what Briznas might have to
give. Then it was time to clean her up again before they
started to play. Brizna had her hands full trying to play
with them both...... hahahaha....
actually do not understand that she lets them go on like she
do..... boy it must be painful.......
When Alpha left for home today Anouk felt to sleep and
slept for a long time!!! It is hard work to "kill"
In the afternoon he was out with his aunty, Raika. He
find is a bit frightening when she come in "110" around the
corner.... and yet.... very interesting and just have to run
after her..... hahahahaha.... Raika is smart enough to
understand she has to be gentle when he is close to her and
- she is! Talking about a female that is giving of herself!
Lovely! We hope for her to have her own puppies during this
year - what a great mother she will be!! =)))
We also love to tell
you all that
Angelica got a new golden medal, yesterday, in archery!!
Again! and again
Today we packed Anouk, Attli and Anzir in the car for
traveling to Arlanda airport. They day had come for Attli
and Anzir to flue home to Trinidad. The car trip (4 hours)
went good and they slept most of the time (except for the
short brake we had off course). At the airport we took a
walk with them all before it was time to enter the
flight-crate. Anouk then had to wait in the car. They got
the biggest water bowl (or bucket actually) I ever seen in a
flight-crate! Very nice! After a lot of kisses - as usually
- and after making sure the food and their papers where good
attached on top of the crate we started our journey back
home. We had promised our children to have "dinner" at MC
Donald's on our way back, so in Enköping where Anouk's owner
lives we had our stop. She came over to meet Anouk and to
give him a lot of kisses. She can hardly wait for the day
she can bring him home. =) Anouk, on the other hand, had his
hands full "talking" to every one on two legs that past by
him. Good boy!
Yesterday we went to the veterinarian with Anzir and Attli
for their second and last health certificate for traveling
on Tuesday to their new homes in =) Anouk followed too as
companion and training. The car traveling went just fine and
the puppies where quiet and slept most of the trip. At the
veterinarian Anzir jumped up towards a trashcan of plate -
it looks like a tube and is about 89-90 cm high - and the
metal sound it made hitting the floor where terrible. Any of
the puppies scared? No not a bit .... the only thing that
happen was that the 2- legged of us still have that terrible
metal noise ringing in our ears and also that the
veterinarian came into the room wondering what could have be
left in the room for my dogs demolish this time!! hahahahaha.
She also wondered if all Laekenois puppies where this "non
belgic" ...... what can I say..... ;) ... Anouk took a
big jump and landed on the veterinarian table and a new one
down again! He also gave the veterinarian a big lick and
after a tooth status in her nose when she forgotten herself
and bend over the puppies to pick one of them up.
laugh and said - Hey young boy, you are something I
will keep you myself. Thy can forget you where even here and
go home without you!!! lol!! (Just wonder what the
owner of Anouk, Anneli, should say about that) The trip
today made them calm for the rest of the evening - nice =)
Today Angelica have competed in archery and it went just
great! 508 points is new personal record, new club record
and was enough for the golden medal!!!
VAJERT girl! We are so proud of you! Keep up the good
work and we keep our fingers crossed!
This weekend has been a bit turbulent - emotional so to
speak! Yesterday Barbara and René from Switzerland
came to our house. We hade a great time, ate good and talked
about everything and they got quality time with Akira. After
all paperwork, signs and translations we sat down and and
had cheese and biscuits and talked to way after midnight.
Today I got several of phone calls because I
am turning 45. Thank you for all
congratulations, also the once that came by mail, where
written in the guestbook at the kennel site and on face book
=) Maria and Mats, from kennel Sinanjus, came
just before lunchtime because both Alpha, whom we have been
puppy guarding for one week, and Akira shall leave us today
for their new homes. Outside the sun where shining and it
was - 11 degrees = We where out with the puppies taken a lot
of photos and our other dogs had their chance to charm
Barbara end René - and they did for sure.
Rex and Brizna off course! After a nice lunch Akira and her
new owners left us for the airport and I thought my heart
should burst into peaces! Despite that... it feels so
right with this family and they promised me a female back if
they will breed Akira in the future. We, the whole family,
want to thank Barbara and René for a lovely weekend and we
will for sure keep our fingers and claws crossed for big
success making Akira a rescuing dog. Warmly good luck =)
I also felt lucky that Maria and Mats could
stay longer. Nice to talk for a while and to get a chance to
collect all thoughts and impressions during this
weekend. I was also lucky to get a phone call from the owner
of Azzlans. She started to tell me that everything goes
well, BUT there is a small problem she said...... right...
here it comes, I thought..... It is total impossible to
train Azzlan to come when to call on him!! eh.... what? is
he running the other direction? .... now she started to
laugh out laud, NO she said but it is impossible to train a
dog to come on call when he ALWAYS is on the feet or very
close by!!!! hahahahaha well yes that is true. I asked if
she had tried to run away from him and she had, but he was
almost as quick in the snow so that did not help at all. God
we laughed for a long time......
Now there is only tree puppies left in the
house. Anzir and Attli, waiting for the airline to tell when
it is time to fly to Trinidad, and beloved Anouk "Noucken"
whom we are puppy guarding while Anneli has some stuff to
take care of before he comes home. We do not mind a
bit - take your time Anneli - because he is just fantastic!!
On Sunday, 24 of January I and Azzlan started our 1000
km journey to his new owner in north of Sweden. First by car
to the train in Hallsberg.
The train from Hallsberg to Bålsta and from there by
buss to Arlanda airport.
Azzlan and I played in the snow outside the
airport for a while and he also did his toilet. Good boy!
Then we went inside to get his ticket and the boardingcards.
Done with the custom we went to a nice café. I had a needed
big cup of coffee and shared with Azzlan a cheese sandwich -
tasty he said. Peoples started to fill up the aria and
Azzlan made a success among them all ;). After one and a
half hour it was time to border the plain. When you travel
with animals you are to be seated in the back of the plane,
so we had to go down and outside on the ground and up on the
loose-stairs to the backdoor! Our seat was the last ones in
the plain. During
"take off" I feed Azzlan with small peaces of
lever to make him swallow as much he could - THAT was even
better than cheese he thought and did not reacted that the
plane took of! Good boy - again :-) When the plane where
over the clouds and leveled out - Azzlan made it comfortable
for himself and felt to sleep =) The flight to Lulea (Piteå
the town he will live in has no airport) takes about 1 hour
20 minutes. It was 3 airhostess or more correct 2
airhostess and 1 steward on our plane and we had them ALL in
probably 40 minutes all together of the time. ;-) What can I
say..... Azzlan is charming!!
we had landed I went to the big parking lot for the taxi
cars on the other side of the street trying to find the one
booked among them that should take me and Azzlan to Piteå (1
hour drive from the airport.). There where a lot of cars
there but non of them had a booking for a confused lady and
a pappy....... but they all wanted to help out and make room
for me if mine would not show up after all. - BOY such
lovely peoples they where! In mean time waiting Azzlan did
his toilet again and we played a lot at the parking aria.
The cell-phone started to ring and it was Azzlans owner
wondering where I was because the taxi driver had call her
and said he could not find me anywhere! Well - he was
looking inside the building! It turned out that he had been
standing in end of the stairs where you go down, looking for
a lady with a puppy in her arms, but Azzlan was in his bag
so he did not se him therefore I passed by him by. ......
lol..... I told the nice drivers outside a big THANK YOU for
everything and with Azzlan under my arm I went back to the
building and meet the driver just outside it. Then it turned
out that his car where parked among the ordinary parking lot
- NOT at the one for the taxi...... During the drive we
talked about everything and it turned out he had a sister
living not that far from us - just below a small place
called Hjo and he had a brother in Olofström!!! I could not
believe it! Here you travel
km and meet a person that have siblings almost where you
live your self and one in the small town where Angelica is
at the archery gymnasium!! We do live in a small world do we
He drove up at the yard outside the house
and Cathrin and her son came out to welcome us. Nice
the traveling finally where over for Azzlan and he loved
that food waited for him inside =)) During the evening he
got acquainted with the pack he now will live in. One older tervueren
male, two dachshunds (a male and a female of normal size and
long haired) and two male papillion. The most happy over the
fact Azzlan where there was the youngest male of the
papillion. He had a character you do not se that often in
small dogs =)) He decided right away that Azzlan where HIS
puppy!! They played, slept and played from the first sight
of each other....... lovely. The one that was not so happy
and wanted to have something to say about it - if she could
- where the dachshund lady. She could not se the charm in a
bearded "thing" within her home. Especially when the "thing"
totally without manner, took one of her crocks that laid on
the floor close to her blackleg.......
minutes after midday (13.20) the next day, the taxi stood on
the yard outside to get me back to the airport and the long
traveling back home again. The driver was a woman that was
as nice as all the people I have had the fortune to meet up
here. Is there anyone of you that have been thinking:
nothing special have happen during this trip - so far? For
those who do not know yet - it is ALWAYS happening crazy
things when I travel. Everything from driving over foot by
car, chasing new arrived lam in Germany or be landed at the
showground with the car up on a breakdown lorry and the
caravan after..... well you understand .... The
owner of Azzlan also know about this so she kindly asked me
to make nothing happen during the trip up to them, no if it
should happen anything it better be on the way home she said
the night before I left.... and it is now it starts .......
fist of all every car we meat on our way to the airport
where given light signals to make us pay attention because a
huge police-control a head of us - and it was but they did
not pay any interest in us at all, at the airport the
customdetector reacted - but not with the usually sound (I
more or less always starts that sound when passing) - no
this where total different and I have never heard it before
(never started one before either for that matter......) and
a custom worker waived to me to come up to him while he
called out for assistant from a female worker on his
walkie-talkie. When I approached him I told him I found it
strange that the detector reacted because it did NOT
yesterday on Arlanda airport. Well he said it is not
that.... the detector has chosen you for body search!!!!
WHAT??? MOI, ME???? It turned out to be a body search
outside the clouding - thank God I am not ticklish - and
they totally empty my pockets and the bag and when true
I am great full I where allowed to keep the clouds on and
they did not find anything of matter in the bag either!!....
chosen by the detector..... yeh.... right.....
The absolute most fabulous sunset I ever seen in my whole
life I had the fortune to witness over the clouds this
evening! What a feeling and what an experience so beautiful
- everything went kind of calm inside! wow..... A bit over
one hour later we landed at Arlanda. Took the fast train to
Stockholm Central to get the main train to Hallsberg. I was
a bit worried that I might miss my train home because they
have rebuilt so much at the Central station I do not
recognize it any longer! But I did not have to worry, when
arriving there I got 30 minutes before my train should leave
and it turned out from the platform just next to the one I
came from. =) stod det ett där..... kliver på det
och en dam utan platsbiljett sitter på min plats och flyttar
så snäll på sig till platsen mitt i mot. Vid det här laget
är jag helt slut - det känns att jag varit på resande fot
sedan morgonen dygnet innan och jag är alldeles mosig i
huvudet till dess tåget börjar röra sig .... 20 minuter
innan avgång!
bara konstatera att jag sitter på fel tåg! Konduktören
kommer och medan han kikar på min biljett säger han att alla
vagnar hamnar förr eller senare i Hallsberg så även denna -
om ett dygn eller två - det är bara att sitta kvar....
hahahahaha... så la han till att jag skulle gå av i Västerås
och invänta det tåg jag skulle ha tagit från början!!!! Jag
är så trött och i det här läget finns det två kategorier
människor 1) de som börjar stor gråta 2) de som börjar
skratta ohämmat och jag tillhör den senare kategorin. Jag
känner hur det börjar bubbla i magtrakten .....och jag måste
bita mig ordentligt i tungan för att inte fullständigt
brista ut i asgarv. Kvinnans blick framför mig var oslagbar!
Hon hade ju flyttat på sig för min skull, som inte ens
skulle vara på det tåget! Vilken tur att det inte gick åt
något helt annat håll........ Straxt efter 8 på kvällen,
efter tågbyte i Västerås, landade jag i Hallsberg där Göte
väntade med bilen. Straxt efter 9 klev jag åter innanför
dörren här hemma och det var med en tung duns jag landade
med uppvärmd mat i soffan. Nu är det omladdning och
planering för mottagande av ägarna till exporterna som
gäller. De beräknas anlända till helgen.
Today the first of the puppies left for her new home. We
wish beloved Azka
and her owner Kristin warmly good luck with everything you
will do together - and the plans for messenger- dog we like
a lot and will keep fingers crossed for you ;)
2 010-01-20
The first time the puppies where out today they chased
each other a lot. Suddenly they discovered the birds and
just had to bark on them.... flying there and sitting in the
bushes singing... no.. no.. not in our garden!! Anouk and
Alpha had not time with any birds they where playing "you
can not catch me" around a big tree and, to Alphas big
surprise, she suddenly MET Anouk instead of having him
behind....... he is not so stupid that one... got it to turn
around and get her quicker by that..... a smart guy!!!
The second time they where out both Rex and
Brizna where with them. The puppies had to move around for
sure trying to get mom and dad when they run. Rex tried to
get Brizna because she had taken his boll, and
they all chased after as fast as they could. When Brizna
stopped she instantly got 7 "wiled animals" under her trying
to get some milk before she took of again........
Interesting that she still gives them now and then despite
they will turn 8 weeks tomorrow - Good mom!! Either Rex or
Brizna stepped or frighten any of the puppies. When they got
close to any of the pups in their way they just took a long
jump over! Good parents! Nice! After a while we let the pups
in and they ate a BIG meal before they felt to sleep.
Veterinarian visit day! They did there best to turn the
practice down!!! =) Nice puppies! Found a cleaning broom and
dragged it around or struggled with it when they where not
climbing in her bookcase or under the table. Some of the
electrical stuff had to be rescued as well from their sharp
teeth. Then when they got tired they just laid down and felt
to sleep - one by one. The veterinarian where very impressed
by them! =)) Only one of the puppies did not like to go by
car... it might have something to do with that we do not
have a radio so she solved that by singing for us .......
the whole way (60 km) to the vet and the whole way (60 km)
back home again!!!!! The other slept!
Today the puppies where our with Even. They seemed to like
it and so did Even. He had to stand up for a lot of fussing
from them because he is soooooo big...... lol..... Alpha
tried her best to make him play a bit with him, but you can
not start Even up that easily. He went of to the compost
with the "gang" after him probably to teach them where to
find some nice stuff to eat..... BUT we have to much
snow so they could not get in there..... la la la la........
2010-01-16 It is now settled that
tree of the girls are going to be rescue-dogs in their
future. Two of them are going to Trinidad and the third to Schweitzerland.
We have had the fortune to deliver two males there before -
also to be rescue-dogs. These two are Vajert Xantos and Vajert Xendi.
Two brothers to the grandmother out of this litter - Xtra!!
So happy it now will be one more there from our kennel =))
One of the girls, Alpha, is going to be a military-dog here
in Sweden in her future and she is in good, safe hands when Maria
Kennel Sinjanus is in the other end of the leach!! Nice ;) Azka
is going to south of Sweden, Hässleholm. They will do
tracking and obedience and probably agility as well. Kristin,
owner of Azka, was looking at Rex when he was a puppy and it
feel extra special that she now came back for one of his
They boys will stay in Sweden. Azzlan (which
means lion - suitable right?!) will go high up north to Hortlax.
A small place outside Piteå. They will do tracking and
obedient and I did hear something about wild animal
tracking! That is great - he LOVES wild pork...... at least
as an soft toy........ ;-) Anouk will go to Anneli in Enköping (middle of Sweden), the
owner of Vajert Lobo during his life time. :-) They will
concentrate on tracking and obedient. =))
"Only" -6 degrees today = we have been out with the
litter for a longer time, one hour actually, and as long as
they keep moving around there is no problem for them. Now
you can tell they have been out a couples of times. They run
so the snow is whirling around them ...... *lol* ...... They
become snow monsters with snow all over the body. The stair
outside is very funny to run up and down and now they are
doing it in a crazy speed. They also play a lot more,
chasing each other.
clematis on the house wall is a big fighting rag and they
are hanging in it as soon as they comes out trying to rip it
down!! They have not made it so far.....
The one that like to go in first is usually
Azka/Grey - but only to get rugged, dry and warm to
instantly run out again!! Today she managed to get the towel
with her when she took of to get outside to the others. I
found it in the hall on the right side of the door where she
dropped it. ;) When 6 of them are inside, rugged warm and
dry again waiting for food there is still 2 outside that
will NOT come in
at all ..... Azzlan/Blue and Alpha/Red!!!
To give you a feeling of how the landscape
is when the pups comes out I took this photo of our garden
today ;)
Today it was again -8 degrees Celsius and the puppies had a
great time outside. We did not carry them out today they had
to walk themselves and it was no problem. I do not
understand why I thought our stair outside would be any
problem for them..... Azka even jumped the last
step. =))
do run like crazy and Anzir/Wine red found a heather
sticking up in the snow. It is no longer! She pulled and
dragged until it gave in. Thank God we got frozen soil so
the root is still under taken the winter nap ;)
Lovely Akira/Lime got behind a wall of snow
and had a "hard" time coming over it, but with the
purposefulness and stubbornness (in a good way) she got she
made it over by her self. I will miss this female a lot when
she leaves home for her new country. I am sure she will do
great within her new family and future work =)
They all slept good and for a long time
after the play outside =)
The thermometer shown - 20 degrees Celsius yesterday when
Göte drown
Angelica back to the bow gymnasium. The pack, included mom
Brizna, had big playtime with Cassandra and Stephanie - and
I do not know who had most fun of them =) Stephanie laugh so
much she became red in her face. After about 45 minutes the
puppies dropped of one by one and it took not long before
Brizna slept deep on her back. They all slept for a LONG
time after all that playing! The girls went to watch TV and
they both almost fell to sleep in front of it! It takes on
the strength to play with 7 pups and their play-crazy mother
![](../../../pic/Laekenois/kullar/a_kull/6v/Yellow_Azka_anouk_20100110.JPG) Today it was "only" - 8 degrees Celsius. So when Maria came
we took the puppies out for the first time! Yihaaaa... fun
and cold for the pawls... but they started to explore
instantly. To taste leafs, bushes and snow where very
exciting and fun it seemed! I do hope the weather keeps it
like this so we can take a new exploring time tomorrow. =)
![Lime tasting the snow](../../../pic/Laekenois/kullar/a_kull/6v/Lime_tasting_snow_20100110.JPG)
We also had a visit from Kristin (Azkas new
owner) with family - Lovely time and thank you for the
chocolate. See you soon again =)
2010-01-07 Our oldest daughter,
Angelica, is turning 18 years old today!! We celebrated that
yesterday with family and close friends. We had a very nice
time and Angelica is very pleased over the way the whole day
turned out.
the puppies turns 6 weeks of age and we have cut claws,
taken weight and photos of them as usual =) The time just
flies by, it feels, and the first puppy will soon, way to
soon, leave home.... They are crazy wild when they put
that into their minds. A lot of fighting spirit and the
temperament that a Laekenois should have. Yet no problem
what so ever to sleep when they are tired even though it can
be very high sound-level a round them. It is a lovely litter
that are using their curiosity and teeth into everything
they explore - boy that do hurts ....... Now we just wish
the temperature outside will be better, so we can take them
out to explore the snow, but as it is now it is way to cold!
The weekend to come shall be better, at least the newspaper
and TV say so, and we are crossing our fingers it will. The
grey female have almost both ears up now. Only the yellow
female are doing like the "old times" Laekenois - waiting
longer =) No hurry to get the ears up....... She is so cute!
Only 1 female is not spoken for yet, so there is still a
chance if anyone is interested :-)
wish for all of you a great 2010!
a nice visit by Lotta at Kennel Mys Lya - at last - I have
spent the afternoon/evening looking back at the year 2009 to
do a summation of it as always. Sorry to say the year 2009
was a year of sorrow! Well there have also been some light
happening and thank God for that otherwise I am not sure we
would have coped with all bad stuff.
Starting with the family year: Angelica have had tremendous
success with her archery - way over our expectations for the
year! At the Middle-age festival at Gotland one of her bows
where broken into two peaces, that could have ended up very
bad, but she had great luck. Now they call her "bow killer".
Cassandra has done her first term in school.
She reads very good already and we can not write down things
she should not hear any longer (secrets)! That means we are
talking a lot of English now days just to learn they have
started that in school already!!!.... she translate some of
the words for her sister.....
..... hm....
Stephanie has become a leader at the
kindergarten and we understand she like that position very
much. Wonder what she will be in future....
Jennifer has done her first term at the
gymnasium and it has not been easy for her. Her difficulties
makes it hard, but she is a fighter so she will do better
next term.
Kennel- related then. Well.... sough...
except for sad news of beloved dogs that are not longer with
us, the year did not go as we planed and hoped for. Started
with no second litter out of Daphne and no puppies after
could not attend at the training camp I hoped so much in
after all. That because our electrical things (TV, washer,
laundry, the car - twice ....) in the house broken one by
one - EXPENSIVE experience =( . On the other hand I had one, that I have longed for in ages,
wish come true:
DOGSLED RIDE! WOW! It is with warmness in heart I go back in
my mind to those days in Finland and when I do I always send
a gratitude thought to Sari that made it happen =)
Other happy things that have happen are all
the Vajert-dogs with their owners that have achieved a lot
during the year! Not as many as we are used to, but the once
that have come to our knowledge have all made us smile and
we are very proud over you! I usually do not take them up
one by one - that because I do not want to risk to make any
one feel forgotten. How ever there are some "specials" I
will mention anyway and all of them with mentally "status"
. First of all Rex and Raika that went to Finland and did
their mentally-test with approved as result! Then Raily and
Rex approved the Swedish big mentally-test: Korning. Now we
are waiting for the exterior-description of Raily, so he can
have the title as Rex has. Raika also went for the big
mentally-test but her score where to low for approval. In
the end of the year Raily also approved the L-test (Polis
dog test)! Now he is training for guard-/police-dog work.
All the dogs success, no matter in what they done, you have
had the chance - and still have - to read it on their own
pages. I hope you all will continue to send me what you are
doing with your dogs - we love to read about your doings!
and please send photos! =) I will also herby
Thank you all Vajert-dog owners for what you are doing with
your dogs and for doing it so great!
They year ended up much better than it
started!! And one of the reasons is the birth of the
A-litter. WONDERFUL to have puppies in the house again and
such a joy to se them develop to the individuals they now
are. I am sure they will give great joy to their owners (and
us) one day =)
then .......
Well I have also give the new year a
thought. A couple of things are planed already and the
biggest event will be the World Dog Winning show in Denmark
2010! Rex and Brizna will be there and we are planning to
stay for a week, so we can visit friends we have not seen in
a long time and also for the children to visit Lego land.
Rex and Brizna will also attend the Swedish Winner show
before WW 2010.
We also have plans to go to the SBLO special
show at lovely IVON, but that is not settled yet. Training
and hopefully obedient competition this year. And, and, and,
if things goes as planed training camp with start in
February and a camp in July. Keeping fingers crossed for
this year to be "the turning winds year" - because now we
would like to have some "lucky" winds for a change .....
Ending this with photos of the "pack in the
kitchen" when they are 5 weeks of age! Only one female are
not booked yet ;-)
for all of you a great 2009 what ever you do with your dogs!